
第6章 Tired of the Old Man (第1/2页)


t as getting into the afternoon and the boat still moved sloly and steadily.ut there as an added drag no from the easterly breeze and the old man rode gently ith the small sea and the hurt of the cord across his back came to him easily and smoothly.

nce in the afternoon the line started to rise again.ut the fish only continued to sim at a slightly higher level.he sun as on the old man's left arm and shoulder and on his back.o he kne the fish had turned east of north.

o that he had seen him once,he could icture the fish simming in the ater ith his urle ectoral fins set ide as ings and the great erect tail slicing through the dark. onder ho much he sees at that deth,the old man thought.is eye is huge and a horse,ith much less eye,can see in the dark.nce could see quite ell in the dark.ot in the absolute dark.ut almost as a cat sees.

he sun and his steady movement of his fingers had uncramed his left hand noletely and he began to shift more of the strain to it and he shrugged the muscles of his back to shift the hurt of the cord a little.

“f you're not tired,fish,”he said aloud,“you must be very strange.”

e felt very tired no and he kne the night oulde soon and he tried to think of other things.e thought of the ig eagues,to him they ere the ran igas,and he kne that the ankees of e ork ere laying the igres of etroit.

his is the second day no that do not kno the result of the juegos,he thought.ut must have confidence and must be orthy of the great iaggio ho does all things erfectly even ith the ain of the bone sur in his heel. hat is a bone sur?e asked himself.n esuela de hueso. e do not have them.an it be as ainful as the sur of a fighting cock in one's heel? do not think could endure that or the loss of the eye and of both eyes and continue to fight as the fighting cocks do.an is not much beside the great birds and beasts.till ould rather be that beast don there in the darkness of the sea.

“nless sharkse,”he said aloud.“f sharkse, od ity him and me.”

o you believe the great iaggio ould stay ith a fish as long as ill stay ith this one?e thought. am sure he ould and more since he is young and strong.lso his father as a fisherman.ut ould the bone sur hurt him too much?

“ do not kno,”he said aloud.“ never had a bone sur.”

s the sun set he remembered, to give himself more confidence,the time in the tavern at asablanca hen he had layed the hand game ith the great negro from ienfuegos ho as the strongest man on the docks.hey had gone one day and one night ith their elbos on a chalk line on the table and their forearms straight u and their hands gried tight.ach one as trying to force the other's hand don onto the table.here as much betting and eole ent in and out of the room under the kerosene lights and he had looked at the arm and hand of the negro and at the negro's face.hey changed the referees every four hours after the first eight so that the referees could slee.lood came out from under the fingernails of both his and the negro's hands and they looked each other in the eye and at their hands and forearms and the bettors ent in and out of the room and sat on high chairs against the all and atched.he alls ere ainted bright blue and ere of ood and the lams thre their shados against them.he negro's shado as huge and it moved on the all as the breeze moved the lams.

he odds ould change back and forth all night and they fed the negro rum and lighted cigarettes for him.hen the egro,after the rum,ould try for a tremendous effort and once he had the old man, ho as not an old man then but as antiago l ameon,nearly three inches off balance.ut the old man had raised his hand u to dead even again.e as sure then that he had the negro,ho as a fine man and a great athlete,beaten.nd at daylight hen the bettors ere asking that it be called a dra and the referee as shaking his head,he had unleashed his effort and forced the hand of the negro don and don until it rested on the ood.he match had started on a unday morning and ended on a onday morning.any of the bettors had asked for a dra because they had to go to ork on the docks loading sacks of sugar or at the avana oal omany. therise everyone ould have anted it to go to a finish.ut he had finished it anyay and before anyone had to go to ork.

or a long time after that everyone had called him he hamion and there had been a return match in the sring. ut not much money as bet and he had on it quite easily since he had broken the confidence of the negro from ienfuegos in the first match.fter that he had a fe matches and then no more.e decided that he could beat anyone if he anted to badly enough and he decided that it as bad for his right hand for fishing.e had tried a fe ractice matches ith his left hand.ut his left hand had alays been a traitor and ould not do hat he called on it to do and he did not trust it.

he sun ill bake it out ell no,he thought.t should not cram on me again unless it gets too cold in the night. onder hat this night ill bring.

n airlane assed overhead on its course to iami and he atched its shado scaring u the schools of flying fish.

“ith so much flying fish there should be dolhin,”he said,and leaned back on the line to see if it as ossible to gain any on his fish.ut he could not and it stayed at the hardness and aterdro shivering that receded breaking. he boat moved ahead sloly and he atched the airlane until he could no longer see it.

t must be very strange in an airlane, he thought. onder hat the sea looks like from that height?hey should be able to see the fish ell if they do not fly too high. ould like to fly very sloly at to hundred fathoms high and see the fish from above.n the turtle boats as in the cross-trees of the mast-head and even at that height sa much.he dolhin look greener from there and you can see their stries and their urle sots and you can see all of the school as they sim.hy is it that all the fast-moving fish of the dark current have urle backs and usually urle stries or sots? he dolhin looks green of course because he is really golden. ut hen hees to feed,truly hungry,urle stries sho on his sides as on a marlin.an it be anger,or the greater seed he makes that brings them out?

ust before it as dark, as they assed a great island of argasso eed that heaved and sung in the light sea as though the ocean ere making love ith something under a yello blanket,his small line as taken by a dolhin.e sa it first hen it jumed in the air,true gold in the last of the sun and bending and flaing ildly in the air.t jumed again and again in the acrobatics of its fear and he orked his ay back to the stern and crouching and holding the big line ith his right hand and arm,he ulled the dolhin in ith his left hand,steing on the gained line each time ith his bare left foot.hen the fish as at the stern,lunging and cutting from side to side in deseration,the old man leaned over the stern and lifted the burnished gold fish ith its urle sots over the stern.ts jas ere orking convulsively in quick bites against the hook and it ounded the bottom of the skiff ith its long flat body,its tail and its head until he clubbed it across the shining golden head until it shivered and as still.

he old man unhooked the fish,rebaited the line ith another sardine and tossed it over.hen he orked his ay sloly back to the bo.e ashed his left hand and ied it on his trousers.hen he shifted the heavy line from his right hand to his left and ashed his right hand in the sea hile he atched the sun go into the ocean and the slant of the big cord.

“e hasn't changed at all,”he said.ut atching the movement of the ater against his hand he noticed that it as ercetibly sloer.

“'ll lash the to oars together across the stern and that ill slo him in the night,”he said.“ e's good for the night and so am .”

t ould be better to gut the dolhin a little later to save the blood in the meat,he thought. can do that a little later and lash the oars to make a drag at the same time. had better kee the fish quiet no and not disturb him too much at sunset.he setting of the sun is a difficult time for all fish.

e let his hand dry in the air then grased the line ith it and eased himself as much as he could and alloed himself to be ulled forard against the ood so that the boat took the strain as much,or more,than he did.

'm learning ho to do it,he thought.his art of it anyay.hen too,remember he hasn't eaten since he took the bait and he is huge and needs much food. have eaten the hole bonito.omorro ill eat the dolhin.e called it dorado.erhas should eat some of it hen clean it.t ill be harder to eat than the bonito.ut,then,nothing is easy.

“o do you feel,fish?”he asked aloud.“ feel good and my left hand is better and have food for a night and a day.ull the boat,fish.”




夜夜笙歌 凤隐江山 许君白首不相离 似是故人来 恋上坏坏女上司 溺宠到底:老公大人别放手 重生后我嫁了最凶的崽 夜鬼灯上塔 穿越六零小圆满 迷情