
第10章 The Old Mans Return (第1/2页)


e kne he as beaten no finally and ithout remedy and he ent back to the stern and found the jagged end of the tiller ould fit in the slot of the rudder ell enough for him to steer.e settled the sack around his shoulders and ut the skiff on her course. e sailed lightly no and he had no thoughts nor any feelings of any kind.e as ast everything no and he sailed the skiff to make his home ort as ell and as intelligently as he could.n the night sharks hit the carcass as someone might ick u crumbs from the table.he old man aid no attention to them and did not ay any attention to anything excet steering.e only noticed ho lightly and ho ell the skiff sailed no there as no great eight beside her.

he's good,he thought.he is sound and not harmed in any ay excet for the tiller.hat is easily relaced .

e could feel he as inside the current no and he could see the lights of the beach colonies along the shore.e kne here he as no and it as nothing to get home.

he ind is our friend,anyay,he thought.hen he added,sometimes.nd the great sea ith our friends and our enemies.nd bed,he thought.ed is my friend.ust bed, he thought.ed ill be a great thing.t is easy hen you are beaten,he thought. never kne ho easy it as.nd hat beat you,he thought.

“othing,”he said aloud.“ ent out too far.”

hen he sailed into the little harbor the lights of the errace ere out and he kne everyone as in bed.he breeze had risen steadily and as bloing strongly no.t as quiet in the harbor though and he sailed u onto the little atch of shingle belo the rocks.here as no one to hel him so he ulled the boat u as far as he could.hen he steed out and made her fast to a rock.

e unsteed the mast and furled the sail and tied it. hen he shouldered the mast and started to climb.t as then he kne the deth of his tiredness.e stoed for a moment and looked back and sa in the reflection from the street light the great tail of the fish standing u ell behind the skiff's stern.e sa the hite naked line of his backbone and the dark mass of the head ith the rojecting bill and all the nakedness beteen.

e started to climb again and at the to he fell and lay for some time ith the mast across his shoulder.

e tried to get u.ut it as too difficult and he sat there ith the mast on his shoulder and looked at the road. cat assed on the far side going about its business and the old man atched it.hen he just atched the road.

inally he ut the mast don and stood u.e icked the mast u and ut it on his shoulder and started u the road.e had to sit don five times before he reached his shack.

nside the shack he leaned the mast against the all.n the dark he found a ater bottle and took a drink.hen he lay don on the bed.e ulled the blanket over his shoulders and then over his back and legs and he slet face don on the nesaers ith his arms out straight and the alms of his hands u.

e as aslee hen the boy looked in the door in the morning.t as bloing so hard that the drifting-boats ould not be going out and the boy had slet late and thene to the old man's shack as he hade each morning.he boy sa that the old man as breathing and then he sa the old man's hands and he started to cry.e ent out very quietly to go to bring some coffee and all the ay don the road he as crying.

any fishermen ere around the skiff looking at hat as lashed beside it and one as in the ater,his trousers rolled u,measuring the skeleton ith a length of line.

he boy did not go don.e had been there before and one of the fishermen as looking after the skiff for him.

“o is he?”one of the fishermen shouted.

“leeing,”the boy called.e did not care that they sa him crying.“ et no one disturb him.”

“e as eighteen feet from nose to tail,”the fisherman ho as measuring him called.

“ believe it,”the boy said.

e ent into the errace and asked for a can of coffee.

“ot and ith lenty of milk and sugar in it.”

“nything more?”

“o.fterards ill see hat he can eat.”

“hat a fish it as,”the rorietor said.“here has never been such a fish.hose ere to fine fish you took yesterday too.”

“amn my fish,”the boy said and he started to cry again.

“o you ant a drink of any kind?”the rorietor asked.

“o,”the boy said.“ell them not to bother antiago. 'll be back.”

“ell him ho sorry am.”

“hanks,”the boy said.

he boy carried the hot can of coffee u to the old man's shack and sat by him until he oke.nce it looked as though he ere aking.ut he had gone back into heavy slee and the boy had gone across the road to borro some ood to heat the coffee.

inally the old man oke.

“on't sit u.”the boy said.“rink this.”e oured some of the coffee in a glass.

he old man took it and drank it.

“hey beat me, anolin,”he said.“hey truly beat me.”

“e didn't beat you.ot the fish.”

“o.ruly.t as afterards.”




夜夜笙歌 凤隐江山 许君白首不相离 似是故人来 恋上坏坏女上司 溺宠到底:老公大人别放手 重生后我嫁了最凶的崽 夜鬼灯上塔 穿越六零小圆满 迷情