
第六章:学校之校花,校草2 (第1/2页)





e deals the cards as a meditation

nd those he lays never susect

e doesn't lay for the money he ins

e doesn't lay for the resect

e deals the cards to find the anser

he sacred geoe

he hidden la of robable oue

he nud a dance

kno that the sades are the sords of a soldier

kno that the clubs are eaons of ar

kno that diamonds mean money for this art

ut that's not the shae of my heart

e y the jack of diamonds

e y the queen of sades

eking in his hand

hile the memory of it fades

kno that the sades are the sords of a soldier

kno that the clubs are eaons of ar

kno that diamonds mean money for this art

ut that's not the shae of my heart

hat's not the shae, the shae of my heart




超能眼镜 世界最后的一条龙 魔土之争天记 万兽真经 入戏莫慌 末世蝴蝶效应 甜妻来袭,宠不够! 年年诱鱼 破天光 想一出是一出是神豪