
第7章 The Old Mans Victory (第1/2页)


“here ill be bad eather in three or four days,”he said.“ut not tonight and not tomorro.ig no to get some slee,old man,hile the fish is calm and steady.”

e held the line tight in his right hand and then ushed his thigh against his right hand as he leaned all his eight against the ood of the bo.hen he assed the line a little loer on his shoulders and braced his left hand on it.

y right hand can hold it as long as it is braced, he thought.f it relaxes in slee my left hand ill ake me as the line goes out.t is hard on the right hand.ut he is used to unishment.ven if slee tenty minutes or a half an hour it is good.e lay forard craming himself against the line ith all of his body,utting all his eight onto his right hand, and he as aslee.

e did not dream of the lions but instead of a vast school of oroises that stretched for eight or ten miles and it as in the time of their mating and they ould lea high into the air and return into the same hole they had made in the ater hen they leaed.

hen he dreamed that he as in the village on his bed and there as a norther and he as very cold and his right arm as aslee because his head had rested on it instead of a illo.

fter that he began to dream of the long yello beach and he sa the first of the lionse don onto it in the early dark and then the other lions came and he rested his chin on the ood of the bos here the shi lay anchored ith the evening off-shore breeze and he aited to see if there ould be more lions and he as hay.

he moon had been u for a long time but he slet on and the fish ulled on steadily and the boat moved into the tunnel of clouds.

e oke ith the jerk of his right fisting u against his face and the line burning out through his right hand.e had no feeling of his left hand but he braked all he could ith his right and the line rushed out.inally his left hand found the line and he leaned back against the line and no it burned his back and his left hand,and his left hand as taking all the strain and cutting badly.e looked back at the coils of line and they ere feeding smoothly.ust then the fish jumed making a great bursting of the ocean and then a heavy fall.hen he jumed again and again and the boat as going fast although line as still racing out and the old man as raising the strain to breaking oint and raising it to breaking oint again and again.e had been ulled don tight onto the bo and his face as in the cut slice of dolhin and he could not move.

his is hat e aited for,he thought.o no let us take it.

ake him ay for the line,he thought.ake him ay for it.

e could not see the fish's jums but only heard the breaking of the ocean and the heavy slash as he fell.he seed of the line as cutting his hands badly but he had alays knon this ould haen and he tried to kee the cutting across the calloused arts and not let the line sli into the alm nor cut the fingers.

f the boy as here he ould et the coils of line,he thought.es.f the boy ere here.f the boy ere here.

he line ent out and out and out but it as sloing no and he as making the fish earn each inch of it.o he got his head u from the ood and out of the slice of fish that his cheek had crushed.hen he as on his knees and then he rose sloly to his feet.e as ceding line but more sloly all the time.e orked back to here he could feel ith his foot the coils of line that he could not see.here as lenty of line still and no the fish had to ull the friction of all that ne line through the ater.

es,he thought.nd no he has jumed more than a dozen times and filled the sacks along his back ith air and he cannot go don dee to die here cannot bring him u.e ill start circling soon and then must ork on him. onder hat started him so suddenly?ould it have been hunger that made him deserate,or as he frightened by something in the night?aybe he suddenly felt fear.ut he as such a calm,strong fish and he seemed so fearless and so confident.

t is strange.

“ou better be fearless and confident yourself, old man,”he said.“ ou're holding him again but you cannot get line.ut soon he has to circle .”

he old man held him ith his left hand and his shoulders no and stooed don and scooed u ater in his right hand to get the crushed dolhin flesh off his face.e as afraid that it might nauseate him and he ould vomit and lose his strength.hen his face as cleaned he ashed his right hand in the ater over the side and then let it stay in the salt ater hile he atched the first lighte before the sunrise.e's headed almost east,he thought.hat means he is tired and going ith the current.oon he ill have to circle. hen our true ork begins.

fter he judged that his right hand had been in the ater long enough he took it out and looked at it.

“t is not bad.”he said.“nd ain does not matter to a man.”

e took hold of the line carefully so that it did not fit into any of the fresh line cuts and shifted his eight so that he could ut his left hand into the sea on the other side of the skiff.

“ou did not do so badly for something orthless,”he said to his left hand.“ut there as a moment hen could not find you.”

hy as not born ith to good hands?e thought.erhas it as my fault in not training that one roerly.ut od knos he has had enough chances to learn.e did not do so badly in the night,though,and he has only cramed once.f he crams again let the line cut him off.

hen he thought that he kne that he as not being clear-headed and he thought he should che some more of the dolhin.ut can't,he told himself.t is better to be light-headed than to lose your strength from nausea.nd kno cannot kee it if eat it since my face as in it. ill kee it for an emergency until it goes bad.ut it is too late to try for strength no through nourishment.ou're stuid, he told himself.at the other flying fish.

t as there,cleaned and ready,and he icked it u ith his left hand and ate it cheing the bones carefully and eating all of it don to the tail.

t has more nourishment than almost any fish, he thought.t least the kind of strength that need.o have done hat can,he thought.et him begin to circle and let the fighte.

he sun as rising for the third time since he had ut to sea hen the fish started to circle.

e could not see by the slant of the line that the fish as circling.t as too early for that.e just felt a faint slackening of the ressure of the line and hemenced to ull on it gently ith his right hand.t tightened,as alays, but just hen he reached the oint here it ould break,line began toe in.e slied his shoulders and head from under the line and began to ull in line steadily and gently. e used both of his hands in a singing motion and tried to do the ulling as much as he could ith his body and his legs. is old legs and shoulders ivoted ith the singing of the ulling.

“t is a very big circle,”he said.“ ut he is circling.”

hen the line ould note in any more and he held it until he sa the dros juming from it in the sun. hen it started out and the old man knelt don and let it go grudgingly back into the dark ater.

“e is making the far art of his circle no,”he said. must hold all can,he thought.he strain ill shorten his circle each time.erhas in an hour ill see him.o must convince him and then must kill him.

ut the fish ket on circling sloly and the old man as et ith seat and tired dee into his bones to hours later. ut the circles ere much shorter no and from the ay the line slanted he could tell the fish had risen steadily hile he sam.

or an hour the old man had been seeing black sots before his eyes and the seat salted his eyes and salted the cut over his eye and on his forehead.e as not afraid of the black sots. hey ere normal at the tension that he as ulling on the line.ice,though,he had felt faint and dizzy and that had orried him.

“ could not fail myself and die on a fish like this.”he said.“o that have himing so beautifully,od hel me endure.'ll say a hundred ur athers and a hundred ail arys.ut cannot say them no.”

onsider them said,he thought.'ll say them later.

ust then he felt a sudden banging and jerking on the line he held ith his to hands.t as shar and hard-feeling and heavy.

e is hitting the ire leader ith his sear,he thought. hat as bound toe.e had to do that.t may make him jum though and ould rather he stayed circling no. he jums ere necessary for him to take air.ut after that each one can iden the oening of the hook ound and he can thro the hook.

“on't jum,fish,”he said.“ on't jum.”

he fish hit the ire several times more and each time he shook his head the old man gave u a little line.

must hold his ain here it is,he thought.ine does not matter. can control mine.ut his ain could drive him mad.

fter a hile the fish stoed beating at the ire and started circling sloly again.he old man as gaining line steadily no.ut he felt faint again.e lifted some sea ater ith his left hand and ut it on his head.hen he ut more on and rubbed the back of his neck.

“ have no crams.”he said.“ e'll be u soon and can last.ou have to last.on't even seak of it.”

e kneeled against the bo and,for a moment,slied the line over his back again.'ll rest no hile he goes out on the circle and then stand u and ork on him hen hees in,he decided.

t as a great temtation to rest in the bo and let the fish make one circle by himself ithout recovering any line. ut hen the strain shoed the fish had turned toe toard the boat,the old man rose to his feet and started the ivoting and the eaving ulling that brought in all the line he gained.

'm tireder than have ever been,he thought,and no the trade ind is rising.ut that ill be good to take him in ith. need that badly.

“'ll rest on the next turn as he goes out,”he said.“ feel much better.hen in to or three turns more ill have him.”

is stra hat as far on the back of his head and he sank don into the bo ith the ull of the line as he felt the fish turn.




田园隐逸:寒门大小姐 脱轨 老婆,扑你上瘾! 重生九零小辣椒 绝品透视眼 我在慢慢戒掉你 假小子 boss 轻撩:呆萌小老婆 终极僵尸王 名门闺事