
第8章 The Sharks Attack (第1/2页)


e did not need aass to tell him here southest as. e only needed the feel of the trade ind and the draing of the sail. better ut a small line out ith a soon on it and try and get something to eat and drink for the moisture .ut he could not find a soon and his sardines ere rotten.o he hooked a atch of yello gulf eed ith the gaff as they assed and shook it so that the small shrims that ere in it fell onto the lanking of the skiff.here ere more than a dozen of them and they jumed and kicked like sand fleas.he old man inched their heads off ith his thumb and forefinger and ate them cheing u the shells and the tails. hey ere very tiny but he kne they ere nourishing and they tasted good.

he old man still had to drinks of ater in the bottle and he used half of one after he had eaten the shrims.he skiff as sailing ell considering the handicas and he steered ith the tiller under his arm.e could see the fish and he had only to look at his hands and feel his back against the stern to kno that this had truly haened and as not a dream. t one time hen he as feeling so badly toard the end,he had thought erhas it as a dream.hen hen he had seen the fishe out of the ater and hang motionless in the sky before he fell,he as sure there as some great strangeness and he could not believe it. hen he could not see ell, although no he sa as ell as ever.

o he kne there as the fish and his hands and back ere no dream.he hands cure quickly,he thought. bled them clean and the salt ater ill heal them.he dark ater of the true gulf is the greatest healer that there is.ll must do is kee the head clear.he hands have done their ork and e sail ell.ith his mouth shut and his tail straight u and don e sail like brothers.hen his head started to be a little unclear and he thought,is he bringing me in or am bringing him in?f ere toing him behind there ould be no question.or if the fish ere in the skiff,ith all dignity gone,there ould be no question either.ut they ere sailing together lashed side by side and the old man thought,let him bring me in if it leases him. am only better than him through trickery and he meant me no harm.

hey sailed ell and the old man soaked his hands in the salt ater and tried to kee his head clear.here ere high cumulus clouds and enough cirrus above them so that the old man kne the breeze ould last all night.he old man looked at the fish constantly to make sure it as true.t as an hour before the first shark hit him.

he shark as not an accident .e hade u from dee don in the ater as the dark cloud of blood had settled and disersed in the mile dee sea.e hade u so fast and absolutely ithout caution that he broke the surface of the blue ater and as in the sun.hen he fell back into the sea and icked u the scent and started simming on the course the skiff and the fish had taken.

ometimes he lost the scent.ut he ould ick it u again,or have just a trace of it and he sam fast and hard on the course.e as a very big ako shark built to sim as fast as the fastest fish in the sea and everything about him as beautiful excet his jas.

is back as as blue as a sord fish's and his belly as silver and his hide as smooth and handsome.e as built as a sord fish excet for his huge jas hich ere tight shut no as he sam fast,just under the surface ith his high dorsal fin knifing through the ater ithout avering.nside the closed double li of his jas all of his eight ros of teeth ere slanted inards.hey ere not the ordinary yramid-shaed teeth of most sharks.hey ere shaed like a man's fingers hen they are crised like clas.hey ere nearly as long as the fingers of the old man and they had razor-shar cutting edges on both sides.his as a fish built to feed on all the fishes in the sea,that ere so fast and strong and ell armed that they had no other enemy.o he seeded u as he smelled the fresher scent and his blue dorsal fin cut the ater.

hen the old man sa himing he kne that this as a shark that had no fear at all and ould do exactly hat he ished.e reared the haroon and made the roe fast hile he atched the sharke on.he roe as short as it lacked hat he had cut aay to lash the fish.

he old man's head as clear and good no and he as full of resolution but he had little hoe.t as too good to last, he thought. e took one look at the great fish as he atched the shark close in.t might as ell have been a dream,he thought. cannot kee him from hitting me but maybe can get him.entuso,he thought.ad luck to your mother.

he shark closed fast astern and hen he hit the fish the old man sa his mouth oen and his strange eyes and the clicking cho of the teeth as he drove forard in the meat just above the tail.he shark's head as out of ater and his back asing out and the old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh riing on the big fish hen he rammed the haroon don onto the shark's head at a sot here the line beteen his eyes intersected ith the line that ran straight back from his nose.here ere no such lines.here as only the heavy shar blue head and the big eyes and the clicking, thrusting all-salloing jas.ut that as the location of the brain and the old man hit it.e hit it ith his blood mushed hands driving a good haroon ith all his strength.e hit it ithout hoe but ith resolution andlete malignancy .

he shark sung over and the old man sa his eye as not alive and then he sung over once again,raing himself in to loos of the roe.he old man kne that he as dead but the shark ould not accet it.hen,on his back,ith his tail lashing and his jas clicking,the shark loed over the ater as a seed-boat does.he ater as hite here his tail beat it and three-quarters of his body as clear above the ater hen the roe came taut ,shivered, and then snaed.he shark lay quietly for a little hile on the surface and the old man atched him. hen he ent don very sloly.

“e took about forty ounds,”the old man said aloud. e took my haroon too and all the roe,he thought,and no my fish bleeds again and there ill be others.

e did not like to look at the fish anymore since he had been mutilated.hen the fish had been hit it as as though he himself ere hit.

ut killed the shark that hit my fish,he thought.nd he as the biggest dentuso that have ever seen.nd od knos that have seen big ones.

t as too good to last,he thought. ish it had been a dream no and that had never hooked the fish and as alone in bed on the nesaers.

“ut man is not made for defeat,”he said.“ man can be destroyed but not defeated.” am sorry that killed the fish though,he thought.o the bad time ising and do not even have the haroon.he dentuso is cruel and able and strong and intelligent.ut as more intelligent than he as. erhas not,he thought.erhas as only better armed.

“on't think,old man,”he said aloud.“ail on this course and take it hen ites.”

ut must think,he thought.ecause it is all have left. hat and baseball. onder ho the great iaggio ould have liked the ay hit him in the brain?t as no great thing, he thought.ny man could do it.ut do you think my hands ere as great a handica as the bone surs? cannot kno. never had anything rong ith my heel excet the time the sting ray stung it hen steed on him hen simming and aralyzed the loer leg and made the unbearable ain.

“hink about something cheerful,old man,”he said.“very minute no you are closer to home.ou sail lighter for the loss of forty ounds.”

e kne quite ell the attern of hat could haen hen he reached the inner art of the current.ut there as nothing to be done no.

“es there is,”he said aloud.“ can lash my knife to the butt of one of the oars.”

o he did that ith the tiller under his arm and the sheet of the sail under his foot.

“o,”he said.“ am still an old man.ut am not unarmed.”

he breeze as fresh no and he sailed on ell. e atched only the forard art of the fish and some of his hoe returned.

t is silly not to hoe,he thought.esides believe it is a sin .o not think about sin,he thought.here are enough roblems no ithout sin.lso have no understanding of it.

have no understanding of it and am not sure that believe in it.erhas it as a sin to kill the fish. suose it as even though did it to kee me alive and feed many eole. ut then everything is a sin. o not think about sin.t is much too late for that and there are eole ho are aid to do it.et them think about it.ou ere born to be a fisherman as the fish as born to be a fish.an edro as a fisherman as as the father of the great iaggio.

ut he liked to think about all things that he as involved in and since there as nothing to read and he did not have a radio,he thought much and he ket on thinking about sin.ou did not kill the fish only to kee alive and to sell for food,he thought.ou killed him for ride and because you are a fisherman.ou loved him hen he as alive and you loved him after.f you love him,it is not a sin to kill him.r is it more?

“ou think too much,old man,”he said aloud.




大小姐的全职男秘 超凡命师 独家蜜爱:晚安,莫先生! 特种兵王在都市 炮灰养女 无敌小妖妃:一个宝宝三个爹 他眼里那片海 无限进化系统 天才道士 成精的妖怪不许报案!