
七、 美国高中理科资优生培养的保障 (第2/2页)



4� 家长对理科高中的支持

家长是理科高中培养的重要合作力量。同校友一样,家长们通过一定组织,如家长协会(parents association of the louisiana school),策划、参与学校活动,为学校集资。

路易斯安那州理科和艺术高中的家长协会(parents association of the louisiana school)是该校负责家长活动的组织louisiana school for math, science, and the arts. the parents association of the louisiana school (pals) [eb/ol]. <a href="http://puting" target="_blank">http://puting</a>);

m**s=密西西比理科高中(mississippi school for mathematics and science);

ms**=缅因州理科高中(maine school of science and mathematics);

ncs**=北卡罗莱纳理科高中(north carolina school of science and mathe�matics);

os**=俄克拉荷马理科高中(oklahoma school of science and mathematics);

scgs**=南卡罗来纳州州立理科高中(south carolina governor�s school for science and mathematics);

tams=德州理科高中(texas academy of math and science);

tga=田纳西州州立理科高中(tennessee governor�s academy of science and mathematics)。


atkinson et al.(2007). addressing the stem challenge by expanding specialty math and science high schools. ncss**st journal, 12(2).

jones, b.m.(2009). profiles of state�supported residential math and science schools. journal of advanced academies, spring, 20(3).

national association for gifted children. 2008-2009 state of the nation in gifted education. [eb/ol] . <a href="http://www.nagc.org/index.aspx?id=1051." target="_blank">http://www.nagc.org/index.aspx?id=1051.</a> [2010-08-12].

the national academy of sciences, the national academy of engineering, the institute of medicine.(2007). rising above the gathering storm: energizing and employing america for a brighter economic future. washington, d.c.:the national academies press.

the national consortium for specialized secondary schools of mathematics, science, and technology. overview [eb/ol].http://www.ncsssmst.org/overview.aspx. [2010-05-20].

pfeiffer, s.i., overstreet, j.m., &amp; park, a.(2010). the state of science and mathematics education in state�supported residential academies:a nationwide survey. roeper review, vol. 32.

pressey, s.l.(1949). educational acceleration: appraisal of basic problems. bureau of educational research monograph no. 31. columbus, oh:the ohio state university press.





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