
◇◆◇◆◇第十五章:小薰回忆◇◆◇◆◇ (第2/2页)


but all that’s dead and gone and passed tonight

just close your eyes

the sun is going down

you’ll be all right

no one can hurt you now

co light

you and i’ll be safe and sound

don’t you dare look out your window darling

everything’s on fire

the war outside our door keeps raging on

hold onto this lullaby

even when the music’s gone

just close your eyes

the sun is going down

you’ll be all right

no one can hurt you now

co light

you and i’ll be safe and sound

just close your eyes

you’ll be all right

co light,

you and i’ll be safe and sound”






缠绵入骨:厉少轻轻爱 采阴 守株待妻 妖怪都去哪了 护花之最狂学生 搬空敌人珍藏后疯批王爷我罩了 封少,有点甜! 全球高武:开局一块神秘荒地 总裁每天都不吃药 医心难猜:奸商宠妻无度