
TO (第2/2页)


though it's easy to retend 尽管欺瞒并不困难

i kno you are not a fool 但我知道你并不笨。

should've knon better than to cheat a friend 我该明白让你知道总比欺骗强,

and aste the chance that i've been given 但现在却又错过了一个机会。

so i'm never gonna dance again 我终将不再跳舞,

the ay i danced ith you 无法像你我从前那样跳舞。

(never ithout your love。) (不要失去你的爱。)

tonight the music seems so loud 今晚的音乐是如此的刺耳

i ish that e could lose this crod。 我希望我们远离这喧嚣的人群。

maybe it's better this ay 也许这就是最好的结局

e'd hurt each other ith the things e ant to say。 我们想说的只不过更加伤害了对方,

e could have been so good together 我们本好好的在一起的

e could have lived this dance forever 我们本可以在这舞曲中继续飞翔

but no ho's gonna dance ith me? 但今夜谁将与我共舞?

lease stay。 留下吧!

no that u're gone。 现在你走了

as hat i did is so rong。 这是我犯下的如此深重的错误,

so rong that you had to leave me alone。 错到你只好离去 留下我一个人。



我的牙刷分身 追妻密令:缉拿在逃萌妻 纪先生,既放手就别回头 大明从慎重开始 军少爆宠:娇妻吻上瘾 邪王宠妃 妖孽总裁:盛宠吃货娇妻 刁妃难驯:世子别心急 先婚后爱:总裁娇宠小蛮妻 一纸婚状,老婆请撤诉